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  • Lt. Cmdr. Dr. Amadeus O'Reilly

Cooperation Dialects | LBSL (xBSL), Language of Information

Regarding unique languages and dialects spoken by xBs of the Liberated Borg Cooperation

It is known that, regarding certain former Borg, the infinite possibilities of assimilation-forced augmentations can manifest in implants that affix themselves over and/or into the mouth, deep in the throat, or altering senses of hearing: rendering some drones deaf and/or incapable of organic auditory speech. I have been told by xB cyberneticists that these implants are "given" to drones assigned by the Hivemind to technical maintenance or drone repair services— as there is no need for auditory speech in the Collective, and avoids the hazard of a drone inhaling noxious fumes during said repairs that could result in unit death. While there are xBs who are able to receive Reclamation Procedure surgeries to reconstruct their mouths/vocal cords and undergo speech therapy to verbally communicate once again, an equal portion of xBs are unable to, thanks to the deep physical and mental traumas of assimilation’s instinctual ignorance to mercy.

For Reclamation Project Consultation staffers and the patients this department helps, these fixtures can be some of the more difficult augmentations for xBs to reckon with. The realization that a unit had a voice in the first place (and further extrapolation of that idea that one could “reclaim” it) can allow an entirely different voice rebuilt it to one’s preferences, or permit an individual to communicate in an entirely new way due to what might've been taken from them. Communication, in any form, is essential for a people who've been stripped of a mental company that numbers in the billions, and they take refuge in many different languages.


For non-verbal, hard of hearing, and deaf xBs, communication can be done through “LBSL (“Liberated Borg Sign Language,” also known as “LBSL" or "xBSL”), or through visual text displays. LBSL is almost universally known throughout Ohniaka III, thanks to the xB ease of being able to download the solidified dictionary reference completed in 2382. While it bears similarities to Federation Standard Sign Language, it is imperative that future xenoanthropologists familiarize themselves with this dialect before commencing any long-term internships to the Cooperation homeworld. You not only pay communicative respect to the large percentage of HoH/non-verbal xBs that reside on Ohniaka III, but you also ingrain yourselves further in the celebration of individuality-inspired dialogue.

Much like verbal speech for xBs, communication through xBSL is another casual, yet cherished act of expressing personality. Grammar is dictated through a litany of facial expressions, with inquiries and forms of tense utilizing various hand positions. But xBSL speakers place a heightened value in developing their own habits, traits, and "quirks" to physically-signed words— to say nothing of the importance of uniquely-given nicknames that only xBSL speakers may give others.


The Language of Information is, oddly enough, a language that's not actively spoken by xBs, but it is one they're all inherently capable of understanding. Used as the "dialect" between the Collective's billions of voices, non-xBs will hear this language as a deep electronic humming that bears a faint semblance to speech, and thus cannot be spoken by organic xBs. Therefore, it is exclusively spoken by Borg and xB interfaces, AIs, and other Borg-originated programs— the language's words packed with so much information, that brains without Borg-given processors and drivers are simply unable to glean its meaning.

It is an electric, vast, and deep noise of a language— one that rattles the bones, shaking a non-xB to their core in scope and the magnitude of its sound. The Language of Information is an intimate, shared quality of unspoken binding; one that elicits the mortifying ordeal of being known to an entity that an xB was once a tiny part of. Despite whatever horror may linger from assimilation's cruelty, the Language of Information does provide a single, absolute truth: that no one outside the xB community will ever be able to understand these layered words, and there can be comfort in the certainty that other xBs understand it as well.

The Liberated Borg Cooperation does not have an observed state religion, as their decentralized multitude includes myriads of different species mythos and belief systems. Yet I have found the communal respect given to this language — one entirely indiscernible to my ears — equivalent to listening to a supernatural, ethereal, and calming voice that can quiet their minds: in all its complexity, richness, and unifying certainty.


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