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Artwork by smoothandroid and Shannon Kao | @mellifics, Proofread by Meg Smith |  @artscimeg

The Ohniaka III Project is proud to offer a tie-in xB character and species homebrew sheet for the Star Trek Adventures Tabletop RPG published by Modiphius Entertainment! On this page you'll find downloadable screen and print-friendly PDFs of either the species homebrew sheet, as well as condensed Ohniaka III Project lore for supplemental character background and story/location reference. These files are free to download and disburse for anyone and everyone; take these xBs out for a spin with your starship crew on adventures through the Star Trek Universe!

UPDATE 4/27/2023: all linked documents have been updated to reflect and include new document hyperlinks, Liberated Borg Cooperation Seal artwork, the O3P timeline, and more!

If you enjoy this character sheet and want to support the author and artists, consider checking out the 

artist links in the documents or on this page, or toss a tip to the author of The Ohniaka 3 Project here 
and let them know about your adventures!

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