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  • Starfleet Archives

Cooperation Literature | Mercy of the Colossus, Part 2

The second chapter from the New Berlin Times Bestseller's excerpts "POST WAR: The Khitomer Alliance 2374-2385" now available on the Ohniaka III Project

Mercy of the Colossus records the history of the United Federation of Planets' initial 2378-79 response to and relations building with the Liberated Borg Cooperation, with materials primarily excerpted by Tranquility Press editor John Concagh. Taken from Solora Hasegawa's original text examining the state of the Alpha Quadrant post-Dominion War, these excerpts chart how a single emergency hail from a plague-stricken Cooperation brought Starfleet, the Federation Council, and President Min Zife's administration to action and into the Ohniakan Accords of 2379.

This second chapter chronicles Task Force Keter's high-stakes sprint to Ohniaka III, the ghastly heights of the Cortical Plague, and the beginnings of Federation/Cooperation relations with Paving Good Intentions: Reconstitution and the Road to 2379.

Artistic rendition of a meeting between Progenitor Hugh [the First of Us], Captain T'Roun of the USS Keter, and Captain Iain Bertram McKingsley of the USS Concagh in front of the Cube 5219 crater in August 2378
Artistic rendition of a meeting between Progenitor Hugh [the First of Us], Captain T'Roun of the USS Keter, and Captain Iain Bertram McKingsley of the USS Concagh in front of the Cube 5219 crater in August 2378 | Artwork by Palloma Barreto (

Additionally included in this excerpt is material from recently-declassified Supplemental Holland Commission Reports: featuring an eye-witness account of the first galactic contact that would end the xBs' "Age of Isolation."


AN: Mercy of the Colossus was primarily written by John Concagh (@badsocialism), the Ohniakan Accords' title card was provided by Zoë / Indigo Allen Wickler (@indigoiseau), Part 2's title art was done by Palloma Barreto (@crwlls), and credit goes to Andy Poulastides for his advisory with the Holland Commission from the ever-incredible Wolf 359 Project! Please find more of Zoë's work at, Palloma's art at, the rest of John's work at, and the Wolf 359 Project at!


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